My name is Frank Kibbish, Jr., and Kibbish Creative Arts is my personal web site that documents my activities in a few semi-creative endeavors. Here's a description of my activities that fall under the umbrella of "KCA".
Instrumental Music
This part of the KCA concept is the only actual business endeavor -- at least, it's a business according to government definition. It is simply an accounting of my (meager, very part-time) income and any expenses that are related to my activities as an instrumental musician. I play clarinet, sax and/or rhythm guitar in a few bands, and I want to keep track of any money I make (or spend) in the process. I initially coined the "KCA" acronym as a means of separating music-related expenses from all my other hobbies (which are too numerous to mention).
Web Site Creation & Hosting
I have since picked up responsibility for creation and maintenance of a few web sites, which are either artistic (music, literature, etc.), family oriented, or public service (amateur radio, for example) in nature. This is strictly a volunteer activity. I've considered making this a serious effort and soliciting paying customers, but I've realized that I would rather focus my efforts primarily on music performance, and secondarily on a few (non-paying) hobbies. So I'll just continue to provide simple website support for myself and my close friends.
I also host a few sites. The fees I pay for hosting the sites I maintain are reasonable, so I offer some of the unused space and bandwidth to friends and colleagues at no charge to them. There's no effort at all on my part, so it seems like a good thing to do.
I do put a "KCA" copyright on any web site work that I do just so people know where it comes from, but I'm not actually generating any income from this activity... it's just a way for me to get my programming "fix" (since I don't do programming in my job anymore), and maybe give back to a few worthy causes in the process.
Saxophone Restoration
I have also restored a few old saxophones, but the horns I restore are strictly for my own use. I've always had a fascination with instrument repair, so this seemed like a fun endeavour. While this is somewhat related to my instrumental music activity, it is strictly an expense rather than a source of income. But restoring instruments for my own use helps me reduce the cost of acquiring a few classic saxes for my collection.
Music Composition
Last but not least, I've taken a couple stabs at music composition. I've thrown together a small number of simple arrangements for one of the bands I play in, but haven't actually published anything yet - and haven't even composed anything recently - so this definitely falls into the category of something that I do for fun and not profit. Now that I have retired from my day job (as of February 10, 2018), we'll see if I ever get serious enough to try to publish any original works. Truthfully, it probably won't happen.
The bottom line here is that KCA is all about my love of music, the fact that I occasionally make a little money at it, and the need to keep track of it all (I like staying on friendly terms with the IRS!). My music gigs are certainly more of a hobby than a business, but our friendly city, state and federal governments insist on calling it a business. So this is how I keep track of it all.
I will expand this website to cover the details of my endeavours as time permits. But for now, this page serves as a place-holder to anyone curious about where the "KCA" comes from should they spot it on web sites, or other paraphernalia.
If you would like to get in touch with me about any of this, feel free to send an email to .